Sunday, March 12, 2006


We Have Entered Suburbia

Brian is on the phone right now talking to his little brother about buying a station wagon! It was my mother-in-law's car. She bought a minivan last year and gave the station wagon to Jimmy. He's moving and wants to get rid of the car.

My father-in-law told Brian tonight that it's going to be $2500 to fix my car. The mechanic had previously said $1200, and we were planning on that. We just don't want to do $2500.

Our plan was to get my car fixed right now. We wanted to keep Brian's car until we move from Frankfort, probably in a year or so. Then we'd buy a new car and keep my car for a secondary car because we won't be able to buy 2 new cars next year.

Anyway, we just don't think spending $2500 for a 9-year-old car is a good idea right now. We're going to pay $500 for the station wagon. If it lasts a year or two years max, then we're good. The $500 will have been well-spent if it lasts us that long. I would freak out if we spent $2500 on my car, and it didn't last long.

So, anyway, we're officially suburbanites now, I suppose, since we're driving a station wagon.

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