Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Our Anniversary Night

We had a great time last night. It's probably the most extravagent night out we've ever had. We went to get the massages, which felt sooo good. I'd love to be able to get one every couple of months. One thing that was interesting is that they give you a glass of water when they're done. They said to drink it and drink a glass before you go to bed. The massage releases toxins in your muscles. Drinking the water will help your body flush them out. Otherwise, they'll just get re-absorbed back into your body.

Then we went to Red Lobster. I had crab legs, of course. They were delicious. Brian had the Lobster Fest feast. Then we went and picked Jayden up.

I registered for next quarter's classes today. I'm taking Historical Foundations of Public Policy and Government Budgeting. They're both required next for me. Neither sounds really interesting, but I figure it won't be too bad.

I'm trying to move forward in my progress on getting well this week. I'm taking things very slowly because that seems to be working better for me. This week, I'm trying to make it a point to drink some water everyday. I'm not pushing myself to drink 64 ounces, even though I know I should. Instead I'm just pushing myself to drink at least a 16-ounce glass. I know it doesn't sound like much in the way of progress, but it's all I can do right now. I'd like to wean myself off most of the caffeine I drink, but doing that all at once is scary.

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