Wednesday, November 09, 2005


The Great Doctor's Visit

I went to the doctor today, for the 1,000th time in the last month. Now I have four appointments scheduled for tomorrow. You'd think I'm old, but alas, there's just something wrong with me. I have an EKG scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8:30. I have 2 ultrasounds - one of my reproductive system and one of my thyroid, and I have a follow-up on the GYN ultrasound. So that's pretty much my day for tomorrow - sitting in doctor's offices waiting to try to find some answer somewhere about what's wrong with me.

We're going from it could be depression to it could be a rare heart condition (cardiomyopathy) that's a post-partum complication. The tests should tell me what exactly is happening so that I can reach a point where we can find out what's wrong and can start fixing it.

I can't wait. I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of feeling terrible.

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