Monday, November 14, 2005


New Day Dawning?

I am going to work on getting more freelancing jobs. Brian and I talked about it and decided that we just aren't going to be able to make it on my web writing. The pay is too low, and the income is too unstable. Instead I'm going to look for other forms of writing. I have two on-going clients right now, and we're thinking we'll stick with them. Otherwise, I'm going to keep looking, but I'm not sure the web writing will work.

We worked on making candles for my site all day yesterday. It's a long process because you have to make them, let them harden, then work on filling them in. I enjoy it, though. It's a lot of fun. I should be done making them today. Then we can photograph them and put them up on the site.

I've also been working on my site for work at home parents. I'm not quite there yet, but it's so close to being finished. I should be able to finish it in the next day or so.

I have to write a lot this week to help us get on track financially. God, we just want to pay off debt. If we did, we'd have so much extra money every month to spend and invest. Jayden's future would be much more secure.

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