Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Thanksgiving and Depression

My car broke down on the way to Brian's parents' house for Thanksgiving. The engine needs to be replaced, so we're not sure what we're going to do. My mother-in-law thinks we should fix it. My mom said they'd help us get a new car. Neither is a really good option, and we just haven't decided yet. Brian's car is broken down, too, and I'm completely against getting it fixed. After about $2,000 in repair work 2 years ago, we had to replace the engine. That's been since August 2003. The problems it's having are the same set, and I'm afraid we're headed down that road again. It just doesn't seem worth it. Still, we expect it with Brian's cars (they've always had problems), but mine has been Old Trusty for so long that I was caught off-guard.

Anyway, we don't really have the money to fix either car or to get a new one, so we're in a bind. My mom has suggested we move home to live near my grandparents (rent-free!) so that my family can help us out more. I could go back to work outside the home, and we could pay off debt with the money we're saving. I have to admit that it's appealing. We're looking into it, but we don't want to pack our stuff and move without having jobs lined up first.

We can pay our bills now, but there's nothing extra. My mother-in-law wants to help us with a budget. There's not much point since we know that we're careful with our money. We're going to let her see the bills, though, because we're hoping she'll finally believe us. I don't even care anymore if she believes us or not because I've just given up. I want to float away into oblivion and forget this life ever existed. I want to meet Brian and Jayden in another life where we can start out whole and prosper. I'm so tired.

I know how you feel. 5 vehicles, down to only one running for 3 weeks this summer...
Oh well.
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