Monday, March 20, 2006



Brian and I had a lengthy discussion this weekend about my plans. I've decided (okay, Brian insisted) that I give up Adapt. It's one of my writing gigs. I've been with them since last April. I will still be writing for them a little but not nearly as much. Brian thinks that I should focus on the writing that I want to do. While I know, of course, that he's right, it's still tough. It's hard to think about giving up something that's bringing in money.

One of the reasons is that they've been changing their payment terms throughout the relationship. They reduced the amount they pay 3 or 4 times, and they've added to the number of words our pieces have to be in order to make money with them. They've been complete jerks, but I haven't really had a choice.

We've needed the money, so I had to put up with it. Now, we don't need the money anymore, but it still feels weird.

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